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While I Wait

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While I Wait


This journal was created to encourage my single ladies. I know waiting can be tough! Trust me, I know and intimately understand that struggle all to well. During my season of singleness I always felt so alone and isolated. It seemed like no one around me had taken the stance I’d taken and were doing it God’s way. Often, I literally felt lost and didn't know where to start. All I knew was that like many of you, I had a deep desire to be married.

If you are single, this journal book will also help you bypass the learning curve that I encountered while waiting on my husband, by providing specific how-to steps to get you in position to receiving God’s absolute BEST. It will help to ensure that your process is not delayed any longer than it has to by equipping you with the tools necessary to usher you into a marriage that surpasses anything you could dream of.
